For example informal chats with friends on MSM or similar online forums shared many features of spoken language: shortened (abbreviated language, like text-language) and use of informal language (slang). This is all connected with the CONTEXT: most online conversations are INFORMAL and between friends, therefore the language used is less formal.
We also considered what we meant by Standard English (and how this is different from accent and dialect).
We watched examples of Spontaneous Speech and Scripted Speech (Emma Watson being interviewed by David Letterman and a clip from Twilight) and identified the differences between them (lots of false starts, overlaps and fillers in spontaneous speech; lots of dramatic pauses in the scripted speech).
HW: to have a conversation online, annotate it and write a PEE (Point, Evidence, Explanation) paragraph, explaining some of the language features, the context of the conversation and what the language used tells us about the relationship between the people having the conversation. Due in: Tues 27th September