Sunday, 12 February 2012

Still having trouble with your essay plan?

Consider the following things:

What do we mean by ‘settings’? Some suggestions from our lessons were:
  • The era (Elizabethan and Victorian e.g. who has power)
  • The houses (Capulet’s mansion; Satis House)
  • The rooms (the street; Capulet’s room; Juliet’s room; Juliet’s tomb)
How do these different settings influence Capulet and Miss Havisham in how they treat others? You could think about:
  • Why both characters treat their daughters as possessions
  • What each of them think about relationships and love
  • Whether either of them ‘learn’ anything from what they have done
Remember that EVERY paragraph must have a quotation as EVIDENCE and you must analyse the language in the EXPLANATION (say how the words or language technique suggests something about the characters.



Mrs Roberts

Eng Lit CA: Romeo and Juliet and Great Expections

Yes, we are nearly there! The culmination of 6 weeks' worth of analysis and PEEC paragraph writing will be assessed after half term (week beginning 20th Feb).

If you have missed any lessons the ppt for the WHOLE unit is on this blog; read through it so that you can catch up with anything missed.

The booklets for both R&J and Great Expectations are also on here; download them to find quotations for your plan if you have lost your copy!


Essay title:

How do the settings of Romeo & Juliet and Great Expectations influence the choices made and behaviour of Capulet and Miss Havisham?

Compare their:
  • Roles within the narratives
  • Relationships with others
  • The language they use when speaking to others; the language used to describe them
  • Settings/context (i.e. the times in which they were living)

Refer to Chapters 8, 11, 38 and 49
Act 1, Sc 2; Act, 1, Sc 5; Act 3, Sc 4; Act 3, Sc 5, Act 4, Sc 5 and Act 5, Sc 3

Good luck and remember to email me if you're having trouble!

Mrs Roberts